Shanghai Shuncom AIOT Co., Ltd.
Sản Phẩm chính: Hệ thống điều khiển ánh sáng thông minh ZigBee, hệ thống điều khiển ánh sáng thông minh Lora, hệ thống điều khiển ánh sáng thông minh cat.1 4G, cực thông minh, bộ điều khiển đèn zhaga

Street lamp control: Check the running conditions of all the site equipment in real time and retrieve accurately the real-time data of all the equipment.

Map monitoring: Display accurately the running conditions of each site equipment on the map and conduct the real-time operations.

Energy consumption analysis: Set up various energy-consumption threshold values. Display the energy consumption conditions accurately and conduct the comparison.

Strategic management: Formulate various automatic control ways, achieving the unmanned running.

Report management: Inquire accurately the historical records of the site equipment, achieving the data traceability.

Basic information: Manage the various equipment in the platform and set up the parameter threshold values of the equipment.